jueves, 29 de marzo de 2012

Retiran tumba de padres de Hitler por convertirse en santuario de neonazis

Alois y Klara Hitler, estaban sepultados en en el cementerio católico de la localidad de Leonding, al suroeste de Austria.

La tumba de los padres de Adolf Hitler, que se encontraba al suroeste de Austria, en la localidad de Leondig, fue desmantelada por ser considerada un lugar de peregrinación de neonazis.

Según informó este jueves el párroco responsable de la sepultura un pariente lejano de la familia aprobó la medida, consigna Dpa.

Al parecer, la tumba era visitada por simpatizantes de la extrema derecha. Según los pobladores, había días en que llegaban buses de neonazis al lugar. En 2009 incluso fue colgado un gran cartel que decía "120", en memoria de los 120 años desde el nacimiento de Hitler.

La última vez que se hallaron indicios de una visita semejante fue en noviembre del año pasado, cuando ante la lápida apareció un florero que decía "No fueron olvidados" y contenía además el símbolo nazi de la SS.

Hitler nació en 1889 en la localidad de Brunau, p ero vivió durante su infancia también en la cercana ciudad alemana de Passau y a partir de 1899 en Leonding. Sus padres, Alois y Klara Hitler, murieron en 1903 y 1907 respectivamente.

El párroco de Leonding, Kurt Pittertschatscher, confirmó hoy a la agencia de noticias austríaca APA que la lápida ya ha sido retirada y que la tumba puede ser usada ahora por otra persona, apuntó Efe. 


miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2012

Shai Agosin denunció lobby político contra "Ley Antidiscriminación"

El presidente de la Comunidad Judía den Chile, Shai Agosin, denunció la existencia de un lobby “feroz” que se ha opuesto a la tramitación de la Ley contra la Discriminación, que busca sancionar los ataques a las minorías sexuales, religiosas y étnicas en el país.
Al referirse a la muerte de Daniel Zamudio, en el programa “Mentiras Verdaderas” de La Red, el ex rostro del Club Disney tuvo palabras muy duras para quienes, según afirmó, han tergiversado el objetivo del proyecto de ley presentado durante el gobierno de Ricardo Lagos.
“Me indigna mucho este lobby feroz que hay porque no salga la ley antidiscriminación. Me indigna mucho que salga gente miope que trata de una forma u otra de no darle la oportunidad al resto de los chilenos”, señaló Agosin en el espacio.
Consultado sobre quienes forman parte de ese grupo que presiona para que la ley no sea aprobada o salga disminuida, el representante judío fue categórico: “Tenemos gente de la extrema derecha de nuestro país, tenemos una Ena von Baer, tenemos a un (Juan Antonio) Coloma y compañía”, dijo, acusando directamente a esos políticos.
“Y no solamente se trata de votar en contra, se trata de confundir a la opinión pública, se trata de meter falacia y de hacer de alguna forma de hacer creer a la gente que vamos a perder nuestras libertades. Es realmente burdo”, sostuvo.
“Esta ley existe en muchos países más”, agregó, señalando que por lo demás el proyecto que se encuentra en el Congreso ha sido mutilado y no es la mejor legislación que se puede tener.
Por eso, resaltó que también es importante que se apruebe otro proyecto que busca castigar la “incitación al odio”, el cual también está entrampado en el Parlamento.

lunes, 26 de marzo de 2012

Were Jews ever really slaves in Egypt, or is Passover a myth?

Where is the real proof - archeological evidence, state records and primary sources? 

By Josh Mintz / Jewish World blogger 

Here's a question for you: what do actor Charlton Heston, DreamWorks animation studios and Former Prime Minister Menachem Begin all have in common? Well, they've all, at one time or another, perpetuated the myth that the Jews built the pyramids. And it is a myth, make no mistake. Even if we take the earliest possible date for Jewish slavery that the Bible suggests, the Jews were enslaved in Egypt a good three hundred years after the 1750 B.C. completion date of the pyramids. That is, of course, if they were ever slaves in Egypt at all. 

We are so quick to point out the obvious lies about Jews and Israel that come out in Egypt – the Sinai Governors claims that the Mossad released a shark into the Red Sea to kill Egyptians, or, as I once read in a newspaper whilst on holiday in Cairo, the tale of the magnetic belt buckles that Jews were selling cheap in Egypt that would sterilize men on contact – yet we so rarely examine our own misconceptions about the nature of our history with the Egyptian nation. 

We tend, in the midst of our disdain for Egyptian, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, to overlook the fact that one of the biggest events of the Jewish calendar is predicated upon reminding the next generation every year of how the Egyptians were our cruel slave-masters, in a bondage that likely never happened. Is this really so different from Jaws the Mossad agent? 

The reality is that there is no evidence whatsoever that the Jews were ever enslaved in Egypt. Yes, there's the story contained within the bible itself, but that's not a remotely historically admissible source. I'm talking about real proof; archeological evidence, state records and primary sources. Of these, nothing exists. 

It is hard to believe that 600,000 families (which would mean about two million people) crossed the entire Sinai without leaving one shard of pottery (the archeologist's best friend) with Hebrew writing on it. It is remarkable that Egyptian records make no mention of the sudden migration of what would have been nearly a quarter of their population, nor has any evidence been found for any of the expected effects of such an exodus; such as economic downturn or labor shortages. Furthermore, there is no evidence in Israel that shows a sudden influx of people from another culture at that time. No rapid departure from traditional pottery has been seen, no record or story of a surge in population. 

In fact, there's absolutely no more evidence to suggest that the story is true than there is in support of any of the Arab world's conspiracy theories and tall tales about Jews. 

So, as we come to Passover 2012 when, thanks to the “Arab Spring,” our relations with Egypt are at a nearly 40 year low, let us enjoy our Seder and read the story by all means, but also remind those at the table who may forget that it is just a metaphor, and that there is no ancient animosity between Israelites and Egyptians. Because, if we want to re-establish that elusive peace with Egypt that so many worked so hard to build, we're all going to have to let go of our prejudices. 


jueves, 22 de marzo de 2012

Sarkozy anuncia medidas para evitar difusión de ideologías extremistas

Se castigará a quienes consulten sitios en Internet que hagan apología del terrorismo.

El presidente francés, Nicolas Sarkozy, anunció este jueves una reforma legislativa para imponer penas a todos los que consulten sitios Internet que hagan apología del terrorismo o la violencia o a los que viajen al extranjero para adoctrinarse en ese tipo de ideologías. 

"Se reprimirá la propagación de ideologías extremistas con un delito en el Código Penal", subrayó Sarkozy en una declaración desde el Eliseo sobre la operación policial que terminó con la vida del asesino confeso de siete personas en Toulouse y Montauban en los últimos días. 
El jefe del Estado defendió esa intervención en la que "se ha hecho todo lo posible para que respondiera ante la justicia el asesino, pero no se podía concebir exponer vidas con ese objetivo: ya ha habido demasiadas muertes", añadió en alusión a las circunstancias de la muerte de Mohamed Merah. 
Según el relato del ministro del Interior, Claude Guéant, Merah respondió con fuego a discreción al asalto del cuerpo de elite de la policía RAID -dos de cuyos agentes resultaron heridos-, y saltó disparando por la ventana del piso en el que llevaba atrincherado más de 32 horas bajo el cerco de las fuerzas del orden. 
El presidente indicó que "hay una investigación en marcha para determinar si tuvo complicidades" en el asesinato de tres niños y un profesor en una escuela judía de Toulouse y de tres militares, uno en esa misma ciudad y otros dos en la vecina Montauban. 
"Francia ha demostrado sangre fría y determinación", se ha mantenido "unida", destacó antes de pedir a la población que se supere la indignación y subrayar que "los musulmanes no tienen nada que ver con las motivaciones locas de un terrorista". 
Y para ilustrarlo, recordó que antes de matar a los niños judíos, el asesino había disparado contra militares musulmanes. 
En cualquier caso, precisó que con la reforma que piensa llevar adelante, "cualquier persona que consulte de forma habitual sitios Internet que hagan apología del terrorismo o apelen al odio y a la violencia será castigado penalmente". 
Además, "cualquier persona que vaya al extranjero para adoctrinarse con ideologías que conduzcan al terrorismo será castigado penalmente", apostilló. 
Sarkozy dijo que había encargado a su ministro de Justicia "una reflexión en profundidad" sobre la propagación en las cárceles de ideologías "de odio y de terrorismo". 
"La unidad debe ser nuestro objetivo, la firmeza nuestro medio al servicio de los valores de nuestra República", concluyó.

sábado, 17 de marzo de 2012

Report into Rudolf Hess death fails to answer unexplained questions about Nazi prisoner's 'suicide'


It has been 25 years since leading Nazi Rudolf Hess died in a Berlin prison but a newly-declassified report into how it happened has apparently failed to answer unexplained questions about whether he really did kill himself.

The publication of what is said to be a suicide note written “a few minutes before my death” by Hitler’s former deputy appears to add weight to claims that it had actually been penned nearly 20 years before when he was seriously ill.

Photographs of the “summer house” in the ground of Spandau Prison where the 93-year-old died – and the electrical cord he was said to have used to take his own life – seem to deepen the mystery even further. Conspiracy theories have long suggested that he was murdered and the evidence covered up amid fears he was on the brink of being released – and might disclose embarrassing secrets about his time in British captivity.

His son Wolf Hess has claimed that the UK, US and France - who had long said they were prepared to consent to his release were it not for a Soviet veto - feared a new mood of openness in Gorbachev’s Kremlin would call their bluff. He also claimed that the contents of the “suicide” note actually refer to a period in 1969 when he had a perforated ulcer in the duodenum and feared he could die. 

One historian says the official text of the note in the report by the Royal Military Police’s Special Investigation Branch lends weight to the allegation. Sceptics claim clues in the note suggest it refers to events 20 years earlier.

At that time Hess was concerned to express his regrets over his behaviour towards his one-time private secretary “Freiberg”, during the Nuremberg trials when he said: “I had to act as though I didn’t know her.”
The note was also said by his son to have used a sign-off “Euer Grohser”, or “your eldest”, that he had not used for about 20 years.

Peter Padfield, an historian who persuaded the Ministry of Defence to release the documents under Freedom of Information law, said: “The ‘suicide note’ in German appended to the report is surely bogus from the content. “For instance, passing his regrets to Freiberg – he had done this some twenty years before when his wife and son visited him for the first time in Spandau. “And by contrast there is no mention in the note of his grandchildren.”

The report also states that Hess killed himself using an electrical extension cable fastened to a rear window handle just 1.4m from the floor. His son noted in 1992: “Hess was a frail 93-year-old man with no strength left in his hands, who could just barely drag himself from his cell into the garden. “How was he supposed to have killed himself in this way? Did he hang himself with the cord from a hook or a window latch? Or did he throttle himself?”

The report states that no marks or “material of evidential value to suggest criminal involvement” was found at the scene. But it adds: “Because of free access to the summer house by all concerned with the prisoner, the lifting of latent finger impressions was not considered practical.”

Hess was jailed for life in 1946 after being convicted of war crimes at Nuremberg. The circumstances of his detainment at Allied hands are perhaps even more mysterious than those of his death.

Formerly Hitler’s loyal deputy, he took it upon himself to fly a plane to Scotland in 1941, apparently in an attempt to secure peace – parachuting from his Messerschmitt and being arrested by a farmer with a pitchfork. One theory mooted last year suggested that he had been the victim of an elaborate MI6 sting, when he was persuaded that members of the Royal Family were willing to broker a peace deal with the Nazis. He died in Berlin’s Spandau Prison on Aug 17, 1987. The report on his death was originally filed between August 25, 1987 and January 1988.

The Telegraph

jueves, 8 de marzo de 2012

Tribunal alemán prohíbe publicar extractos de "Mi lucha" en semanario sobre el nazismo

El Ministerio de Finanzas de Baviera logró vetar hasto el año 2015 la exposición pública del texto escrito por Hitler.


BERLÍN.- La Audiencia de Münich prohibió hoy la publicación de pasajes del libro "Mi lucha" de Adolf Hitler en una edición comentada y en formato de fascículo coleccionable en el semanario histórico sobre el nazismo "Zeitungszeugen" (Periódicos testimoniales).

La justicia muniquesa respondió así a la demanda presentada por el Ministerio de Finanzas de Baviera, a cuya tutela están los derechos de autor de la obra de Hitler, contra la edición preparada por el editor británico Peter McGee, quien vio suspendida ya su publicación en enero pasado por un procedimiento de urgencia.

La intención del editor era poner a la venta fragmentos de la obra, comentada por historiadores de prestigio, como suplemento de la revista "Zeitungszeugen", una edición facsímil de diarios nazis que viene publicando desde 2009.

Tras la prohibición provisional de urgencia en enero, el propio editor publicó el primer fascículo con los fragmentos del "Mi lucha", pero ilegibles -es decir, con el texto desenfocado-, a modo de solución de compromiso y hasta que se resolviera el litigio con las autoridades bávaras.

El Ministerio de Finanzas de Baviera presentó su demanda con el argumento de que la publicación vulnera las leyes de propiedad intelectual del libro.

Baviera tiene hasta 2015 -70 años después de la muerte de Hitler- los derechos exclusivos de publicación del libro "Mi lucha".

McGee quiso poner a la venta esos cuadernillos, con una tirada inicial de 100 mil ejemplares, en formato revista de 15 páginas, y en forma de serie coleccionable.

Hasta ahora, Baviera ha vetado la publicación de la obra con el argumento de que los derechos le fueron trasferidos en 1945 por las autoridades aliadas con el mandato de impedir la difusión de todo aquello susceptible de convertirse en propaganda nazi.

El editor argumentó que su propósito es desenmascarar "Mi lucha" como un libro extremadamente malo, para destruir el mito alrededor del manifiesto ideológico de Hitler.

La edición facsímil de "Zeitungszeugen", como la de los fragmentos del "Mi lucha", forma parte de un proyecto de investigación sobre el nazismo, argumentó McGee.

A partir de 2015, cuando expiren los derechos de autor del libro, espera poder publicar "Mi lucha" en su integridad, en edición preparada por reputados historiadores alemanes como Hans Mommsen y Sönke Neitzel.

"Mi lucha" fue escrito por Hitler en la cárcel en 1924, nueve años antes de su llegada al poder en 1933, y en él sentaba las bases de su ideología nacionalsocialista y fervientemente antisemita.

El libro está prohibido en Alemania, pero -como la propia comunidad judía ha reconocido- mantener el veto es ya algo ilusorio, puesto que cualquiera puede conseguirlo a través de Internet.


lunes, 5 de marzo de 2012

Barack Obama tells Israel conference: 'too much loose talk of war'

Barack Obama has admonished Israel for "too much loose talk of war" with Iran and said the world has a responsibility to give sanctions an opportunity to discourage Tehran from pursuing a nuclear weapon.

Speaking before a meeting on Monday with the Israeli prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, Obama sought to head off pressure for him to commit to military action against Tehran if it crosses specified "red lines" in its nuclear programme.

The president told a sceptical audience at the annual conference of America's most influential pro-Israel lobby group that he accepts a "basic truth" that no Israeli government can tolerate Iran developing a nuclear weapon, and that he therefore understands the "profound historical obligation" weighing on the shoulders of Israel's leaders.

Obama said explicitly that he is prepared to use force against Iran to defend US interests if necessary, but he chastised those who appear to be in a hurry for war in comments apparently aimed at Israeli officials who have been making belligerent noises.

"I would ask that we all remember the weightiness of these issues; the stakes involved for Israel, for America, and for the world. Already, there is too much loose talk of war," he told the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Aipac). "Over the last few weeks, such talk has only benefited the Iranian government, by driving up the price of oil, which they depend upon to fund their nuclear programme. For the sake of Israel's security, America's security, and the peace and security of the world, now is not the time for bluster; now is the time to let our increased pressure sink in, and to sustain the broad international coalition that we have built.

" Now is the time to heed that timeless advice from Teddy Roosevelt: speak softly, but carry a big stick."

Obama pleased Aipac delegates by saying he would not pursue a policy of "containment" of a nuclear-armed Iran – a commitment Aipac has been pressing through support of resolutions in Congress. He also said that he "will take no option off the table" and that includes "a military effort to be prepared for any contingency".

"I will not hesitate to use force when it is necessary to defend the United States and its interests," he said.

But Netanyahu wants Obama to go further and commit to the use of force if Iran crosses agreed "red lines" in the development of its nuclear programme.

In his response to the speech, Netanyahu said he appreciated Obama's reiteration that Iran must not be allowed to develop nuclear weapons: "Perhaps most important of all, I appreciated the fact that he said that Israel must be able to defend itself, by itself, against any threat."

But the Israeli leader also set the stage for what is likely to be a difficult meeting with Obama by saying that he will go his own way if he finds it necessary.

Netanyahu warned on Friday that the international community should not fall into the "trap" of negotiating while Iran continues its "relentless pursuit of nuclear weapons". He said that the international community should demand the immediate dismantling of Iran's underground nuclear facility in Qom and a halt to uranium enrichment.

Israel's president, Shimon Peres, pressed the point when he told the conference on Sunday that Iran was an evil and corrupt regime and "an affront to human dignity".

"It must be stopped, and it will be stopped," he said. "If we are forced to fight, trust me, we shall prevail."

US officials have made clear the president will not set the "red lines" wanted by Netanyahu out of concern it will be interpreted by the Israelis as a tacit endorsement of an attack if Iran fails to meet demands. Obama is instead expected to repeat in private to Netanyahu what he has said in public – that there is time for sanctions and diplomacy to work.

"I firmly believe that an opportunity remains for diplomacy – backed by pressure – to succeed. The United States and Israel both assess that Iran does not yet have a nuclear weapon, and we are exceedingly vigilant in monitoring their programme. Now, the international community has a responsibility to use the time and space that exists," he said to virtual silence from the Aipac delegates. "Iran's leaders still have the opportunity to make the right decision. They can choose a path that brings them back into the community of nations, or they can continue down a dead end.

"Given their history, there are of course no guarantees that the Iranian regime will make the right choice. But both Israel and the United States have an interest in seeing this challenge resolved diplomatically. After all, the only way to truly solve this problem is for the Iranian government to make a decision to forsake nuclear weapons. That's what history tells us."

Obama went on to say that the experience of sending Americans to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan had left him in no hurry for a war in Iran.

"As president and commander-in-chief, I have a deeply-held preference for peace over war. I have sent men and women into harm's way," he said. "For this reason, as part of my solemn obligation to the American people, I will only use force when the time and circumstances demand it. And I know that Israeli leaders also know all too well the costs and consequences of war, even as they recognise their obligation to defend their country."

Like every other president of recent times, Obama restated to Aipac the "unbreakable bonds" between the US and Israel and his own commitment to the Jewish state. But he sounded unusually defensive in the face of Republican accusations that he is endangering Israel's security with his Iran policy and that he has been "anti-Israel" by pressing Netanyahu to take peace negotiations with the Palestinians seriously, beginning with a halt to continued construction of Jewish settlements in the occupied territories.

"As you examine my commitment, you don't just have to count on my words. You can look at my deeds. Because over the last three years, as president of the United States, I have kept my commitments to the state of Israel. At every crucial juncture, at every fork in the road‚ we have been there for Israel. Every single time," he said.


jueves, 1 de marzo de 2012

US congressional nominee: Holocaust ‘blackest lie’ in history

A US Republican congressional hopeful has emphasized that “Holocaust never happened” and that such an event amounts to “the blackest lie in history.”

Arthur Jones, who hopes to challenge Democrat Dan Lipinski in Illinois' 3rd Congressional District, noted that the claim of killing millions of Jews and other people by Nazis during the World War II “is nothing more than an international extortion racket by the Jews,” Hoffington Post reported.

“It’s the blackest lie in history. Millions of dollars are being made by Jews telling this tale of woe and misfortune in books, movies, plays and TV,” he said

"The more survivors, the more lies that are told," the 64-year-old candidate said.

Jones said he hopes to win the Republican primary nomination and move on to challenge Democrat Dan Lipinski next November.

He also questioned Lipinski’s strange affiliation with powerful pro-Israeli lobby group in the US-- American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

Jones underlined that the pro-Israeli lobby “was bragging on their website” on how Lipinski is “spearheading an effort in the [US] House of Representatives with a Jewish Congressman from Virginia named Frank Wolf to get tough with Iran, including closing off any oil exports to China that could lead to World War III.”

Jones, a Vietnam War veteran, also compared current conditions in the US to the situation in Germany following the end of World War I and insisted that “our country is falling apart economically, politically, culturally, militarily.”

“We are going down,” he noted angrily.

“These war-mongering fools in congress like [Republican presidential candidates] Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney -- we can’t let Iran have one nuclear weapon but we let Israel have all the nuclear weapons they want,” Jones said. “This is ridiculous.”

Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called on a number of occasions for a historical examination of ‘the Holocaust’ in an effort to uncover realities of the much publicized World War II event. His remarks, however, have sparked outrage among pro-Israeli Western powers, labeling him as a “holocaust denier.”