jueves, 23 de diciembre de 2010

WikiLeaks to release Israel documents in six months

DOHA: WikiLeaks will release top secret American files concerning Israel in the next six months, its founder Julian Assange disclosed yesterday.
In an excusive interview with Al Jazeera, Assange said only a meagre number of files related to Israel had been published so far, because the newspapers in the West that were given exclusive rights to publish the secret documents were reluctant to publish many sensitive information about Israel.

“There are 3,700 files related to Israel and the source of 2,700 files is Israel. In the next six months we intend to publish more files depending on our sources,” said Assange in the nearly one-hour interview telecast live from the UK.

Asked if Israel had tried to contact him though mediators, Assange said, “No, no contacts with Israel but I am sure Mossad is following our activities closely like Australia, Sweden and the CIA.

The Guardian, El-Pais and Le Monde have published only two percent of the files related to Israel due to the sensitive relations between Germany, France and Israel. Even New York Times could not publish more due to the sensitivities related to the Jewish community in the US,” he added.

Excerpts from the interview:

An Arabic newspaper called Al Haqeeq conducted an interview with one of your former colleagues who said you have a deal with Israel not to publish these secret files.
This is not true. We have been accused as agents of Iran and CIA by this former colleague who was working for Germany in the past and was dismissed from his job after we published American military documents related to Germany.

We were the biggest institution receiving official funding from the US but after we released a video tape about killing people in cold blood in Iraq in 2007, the funding stopped and we had to depend on individuals for finance.

When will you publish the files related to Israel on your website?
We will publish 3700 files and the source is the American embassy in Tel Aviv. Prime Minister Netanyahu was traveling to Paris to talk to the US ambassador there. You will see more information about that in six months.

Do these Israeli files speak about the July 2006 Israeli war against Lebanon?
Yes there is some information about that and these files were classified as top secret.

Is there any relation with these files and the assassination of Hamas military leader Al Mabhoh in Dubai?
Yes there are some indication to this and may be some special reports published by newspapers. Mossad agents used Australian, British and European passports to travel to Dubai and there are diplomatic files about that.

Are there any security service companies providing information to international airports and monitoring passengers even in the Arab countries?
There are some files about American and Israeli security companies that tried to intervene in certain areas. For example, in Brazil, the American embassy put some Israeli security companies during the Olympic Games.

Are there any files about agencies providing intelligence information about famous personalities in the Arab world?
I am not sure about that but there are files about Hezbollah in Lebanon. In one of these files Lebanon government complained against cables passing near the French embassy. American are always very much worried about the telecommunications network.

Are there any files about Israeli agents in the Arab world including some Arab royal palaces.
Most of the files related to Mossad are classified as top secret but there may be some files related to the role of Mossad in killing Lebanese military leader in Damascus by sniper bullets.
There 2,500 files related to Mossad and I have read only 1000. So I don’t know about everythiong, I need more journalists including Arabs to read and analyse and put everything in the context for the benefit of the readers.
We have 17,000 files where the word Qatar has been mentioned, the source of 3,000 of these files is the American embassy in Doha.

What is the most interesting file about Qatar that was not published?
There is a lot to be read. The name of Waddah Khanfar has been mentioned in 504 files. Some of these files have been published by The Guardian.

How do the Americans view Al Jazeera in these files?
There were some meetings between people from Al Jazeera and the US embassy where the latter suggested coverage of certain things in a certain way.

There are files about a TV channel in Dubai which the Americans said can be used against Al Jazeera and when this channel tried to move in the American direction, people stopped watching it.

The Americans despite having a base here were angry about the presence of an Iranian bank in Qatar but Qatar said it would not close it but would not open new banks. Despite that this bank established many more branches in Doha. Qatar is trying to create a balance between the Arab world and the America.

The Americans appreciate having their largest base in Doha but Qatar does not agree with all American requirements and Al Jazeera is a good example for that.

The Peninsula

Note: The Al Jazeera (Arabic) telecast the interview on Wednesday, 10:30 pm (Doha time). Ahmed Mansour was the journalist who did the interview.

WikiLeaks: Cables to be released on Israel, Lebanon, Mabhouh

Assange tells Al Jazeera newspapers hesitant to publish sensitive info on Israel, cites cables on Mossad's role in Dubai, reports 'The Peninsula.'

WikiLeaks will release cables concerning Israel, the Second Lebanon War and the Mabhouh assassination in the next six months, its founder Julian Assange said in an interview with Al Jazeera on Wednesday.

Assange said only a small number of documents related to Israel have been published so far because newspapers in the West that had exclusive rights to publish the material were hesitant to publish sensitive information about Israel, the Qatari newspaper The Peninsula reported, citing the Al Jazeera interview.

“The Guardian, El-Pais and Le Monde have published only two percent of the files related to Israel due to the sensitive relations between Germany, France and Israel. Even The New York Times could not publish more due to the sensitivities related to the Jewish community in the US,” he added.

He added that Israel had not tried to contact him, but that he is "sure Mossad is following our activities closely like Australia, Sweden and the CIA."
When asked if the files related to Israel deal with the July 2006 war in Lebanon, Assange said, "Yes there is some information about that and these files were classified as top secret," and added that there are also diplomatic files about how "Mossad agents used Australian, British and European passports to travel to Dubai."

The Peninsula also quoted Assange telling Al Jazeera that some of the files regarding Mossad, of which he says there are 2,500, deal with "the role of Mossad in killing Lebanese military leader in Damascus by sniper bullets."

Asked whether there were security service companies providing information to airports and monitoring passengers, Assange said, "There are some files about American and Israeli security companies that tried to intervene in certain areas. For example, in Brazil, the American embassy put some Israeli security companies during the Olympic Games. "

The Jerusalem Post

jueves, 2 de diciembre de 2010

Wikileaks: Alemania pidió a EE.UU. ejercer presión sobre Israel

Clemens Verenkotte/Mirra Banchón

Un cable filtrado por Wikileaks y publicado en Israel aborda la posición del Gobierno alemán en el conflicto por los asentamientos judíos. Según el documento, Alemania habría pedido a EE.UU. ejercer presión sobre Israel.

Hace un año, el Gobierno alemán exhortó a la administración estadounidense a ejercer presión sobre el primer ministro israelí, Benjamin Netanyahu, para que éste ordenara el cese completo de las obras en los asentamientos judíos.

Como lo informa el diario Ha'aretz, basándose en los documentos publicados por Wikileaks, en un cable de la embajada estadounidense en Berlín se afirma que Christoph Heusgen, asesor de seguridad de la canciller alemana Angela Merkel, había propuesto el 10 de noviembre de 2009 poner a Netanyahu ante la siguiente disyuntiva: en caso de que el primer ministro israelí no aprobase la moratoria de la construcción de asentamientos, la administración estadounidense dejaría de esforzarse por que el Consejo de Seguridad no votara cerca del informe Goldstone sobre la guerra en la franja de Gaza, un estudio bastante negativo para Israel.

Una tarea cada vez más difícil
Los diplomáticos norteamericanos habrían reaccionado con sorpresa a la propuesta rechazándola por “contraproducente”. Los estadounidenses habrían concedido, con todo, dejarle claro a Israel que su política de asentamientos estaba haciendo muy difícil a sus amigos apoyarlo ante Naciones Unidas.
El asesor de Merkel habría anunciado, entonces, que pondrían el tema de los asentamientos en la agenda de las consultaciones en Berlín, planificadas en un principio para el 30 de noviembre de 2009. Éstas fueron canceladas, poco después, por una indisposición de salud del primer ministro israelí. Así la versión oficial. El encuentro fue pospuesto para enero de 2010.

Y Netanyahu cambia de opinión
A mediados de noviembre de 2009, el Gobierno nacionalista conservador de Netanyahu había rechazado un cese de las obras en los asentamientos; sin embargo, dos semanas después aprobaba la moratoria de 10 meses en Cisjordania. “Para nosotros no es fácil dar este paso; es doloroso. Lo damos por consideraciones de peso para nuestro país y con la intención de aportar a la reapertura de negociaciones para lograr la paz con nuestros vecinos palestinos”, anunciaba el primer ministro israelí en diciembre de 2009.

Berlín, menos tolerante que Washington
En el cable de la delegación estadounidense se citaba la opinión del asesor de Merkel en cuanto a que Israel tenía que esforzarse más por lograr que los palestinos volvieran a la mesa de negociaciones. “Mientras que las autoridades israelíes sigan informando a los palestinos en el este de Israel que sus casas serán destruidas, para el presidente (palestino) Abbas sería un suicidio reanudar las negociaciones”, habría dicho Heusgen catalogando de incomprensible  la posición de Netanyahu.  De estas opiniones publicadas por Wikileaks se puede sacar la conclusión de que  en la cuestión de los asentamientos el Gobierno alemán es bastante menos tolerante que la Casa Blanca, según el diario israelí.

El peso de la historia
Estas revelaciones adquieren un carácter especial teniendo en cuenta que poco después los mandatarios de Alemania e Israel subrayaban los lazos de amistad entre ambos países, a seis décadas del Holocausto y el fin de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. "Estar aquí, 65 años después del Holocausto, como primer ministro de un Estado judío independiente, es un momento histórico, una importancia inigualable el poder celebrar conversaciones con el Gobierno de una Alemania reconstruida", declaraba el 18 de enero el primer ministro israelí. 

A las deliberaciones conjuntas –las programadas inicialmente para noviembre y que tenían una lista de diversos temas- siguió un acto en el monumento a las víctimas judías en Europa. Y la canciller Merkel recordó a su par israelí que espera un "esfuerzo mayor a lo ofrecido hasta ahora" por parte de Jerusalén para detener la construcción de nuevos asentamientos en territorios palestinos. Y Netanyahu replicó que era hora de "terminar de hablar sobre cómo hablar sobre la paz. Yo estoy listo para la paz. Espero que los palestinos muestren igual disposición".